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Showing posts from June, 2021

Guide to Dangerous Spiders in Oklahoma City

Spiders have long been regarded as creeping, crawling, loathsome, and venomous beasts. Myths, ignorance, superstition, and the unsightly appearance of spiders themselves have contributed to these societal opinions. Most commercial pest control companies would have you believe that all spiders are dangerous because they possess venom glands. In reality, most spiders do not bite humans, and even if they do, most spider venom is not harmful to humans. Oklahoma City exterminators agree that spiders are essential predators that serve to keep insect and other pest populations in check. This benefit far outweighs the risk posed by a few spiders that seldom bite humans. However, it is good to be aware of the two spiders that Pest Control Services in Oklahoma City consider to be dangerous: the Brown Recluse and the Black Widow. Many spiders, such as tarantulas, jumping spiders, wolf spiders, garden spiders, and other species are commonly mistaken for venomous spiders. These spiders may seem ...